
Senior UI/UX Designer, Media

Hồ Chí Minh

At Zalo, we believe Vietnamese engineers can build world-class technology products.

As a market leader of a product ecosystem with million users in Vietnam, we build and develop a workplace where responsible, passionate, and dynamic talents thrive. We look forward to working with you to grow vigorously while keep improving your quality of living thanks to working with the best talents, on most successful brands, and in sizable projects that improve millions of Vietnamese lives.

🤖 What you will do

  • Collaborate with a cross-functional team of Product Owners, Engineers, UX Writers, and Visual Designers on multiple design projects;
  • Transform complex problems into sophisticated, simple yet intuitive design solutions;
  • Conduct design research if needed;
  • Communicate and share often in written, verbal, and visual forms to create alignment and move the work towards implementation;
  • Give and solicit feedback from other designers in order to continually raise the bar for quality;
  • Design and develop the user interface on iOS/ Android platform;
  • Analyze user behavior in order to optimize the user interface;
  • Display the result of design in a variety of different levels (architecture, navigation flow, graphic layout/ presentation);
  • Build the common standards and principles for designing mobile app (UI design pattern).

👾 What you will need

  • At least 4 years working with mobile designing (both application, web application);
  • Working knowledge of user research, usability testing (using observation tool, evaluating user interface & appraising mockups user before releasing to the market);
  • Skills of designing & prototype interfaces;
  • Good at layout balancing & grid system;
  • Proficiency with Figma, After Effect, Adobe Illustrator;
  • Familiar with wire-frame, user-flow designing.

Take a look inside

Our interview process is all about getting to know each other. Come prepared to showcase your hard work, skills, and achievements, and get a better understanding of what it’s like to work at Zalo group.


Life at <dZcajlro/>