
(Senior) Software Engineer, Zalo

Hồ Chí Minh

🤖 What you will do

  • Read and review code to learn how to build a huge CDN system and WAF for many products of Zalo Group;
  • Participate in the design, development, and implementation of new features or operational tasks;
  • Research and learn to develop high-volume, low-latency applications, and deliver high availability and performance through proxy server, load balancer (L7 - L3), HTTP cache;
  • Research new technologies such as HTTP/3 - QUIC.

👾 What you will need

  • Experience in Java, Golang or C++;
  • Excellent in Data Structures and Algorithms, OOP;
  • Have a good knowledge about popular network protocols (HTTP, DNS, TCP/IP, UDP,
  • Familiar with high performance programming (multithread, nonblocking I/O, caching
    mechanism, etc);
  • Good at problem-solving skills under high pressure;
  • Be willing to learn new technologies;
  • Experienced in Linux operating system, SQL and NoSQL are a plus.

Nice to have:

  • Experience with CI/CD pipeline, such as Jenkins/Gitlab/Harbor/etc;
  • Experience with RPC frameworks (gRPC, fbthrift, ...) and microservices architecture;
  • Experience with source version control (git, svn...), as well as configuration management (ansible, puppet, salt stack...).

Take a look inside

Our interview process is all about getting to know each other. Come prepared to showcase your hard work, skills, and achievements, and get a better understanding of what it’s like to work at Zalo group.


Life at <xZjajljo/>